General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule

GSA Header

ACTFL Is Proud to be a GSA Approved Vendor

General Services Administration, or GSA, 简化政府透过预先批准的供应商,以预先议定的价格购买产品和服务的程序. To be an approved vendor under GSA, 公司和组织必须通过严格的申请, screening and approval process. If approved, 供应商被授予GSA“合同”,并根据其提供的特定类别的产品或服务被列入GSA计划或批准的供应商名单, i.e. 工业产品、办公产品、专业服务等.

General Services Administration, or GSA, 简化政府透过预先批准的供应商,以预先议定的价格购买产品和服务的程序. To be an approved vendor under GSA, 公司和组织必须通过严格的申请, screening and approval process. If approved, 供应商被授予GSA“合同”,并根据其提供的特定类别的产品或服务被列入GSA计划或批准的供应商名单, i.e. 工业产品、办公产品、专业服务等.

GSA eligible buyers (Federal agencies, State departments, local agencies, international organizations, 和其他符合条件的用户)可以直接从GSA供应商处购买产品和服务和/或提交提案请求(RFP),而无需经过公开的RFP招标和选择过程.

ACTFL获得了GSA计划的GS-10-F-0220T合同 April 11, 2017 through April 10, 2027. ACTFL列在专业服务(培训及教材,sin382 -3)项下。.

Through our GSA Schedule (PDF), ACTFL provides vision, leadership and support for language learning, 为联邦和州政府机构提供培训和测试.

ACTFL Testing

ACTFL提供超过100种语言的口语水平测试和超过20种语言的写作水平测试. 我们根据ACTFL和政府机构间语言圆桌会议(ILR)水平量表提供测试和评级. The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview-computer (OPIc), 和ACTFL写作能力测试(WPT)是美国教育委员会(ACE)推荐的大学学分。. ACTFL OPI和WPT被许多州教师执照认证委员会认可. Language Testing International, Inc. (LTI)是ACTFL的独家被许可人,并管理所有ACTFL水平和性能测试. Learn More

ACTFL Training Programs

ACTFL提供多种语言教学和星际网赌登录相关科目的培训和专业发展研讨会. 提供的主要工作坊包括口语水平星际网赌登录, Performance Assessment, Setting Standards, Teaching Communication Skills, Curriculum Design, 与提高语言能力相关的教学挑战. Learn More

ACTFL Consulting

ACTFL的专家团队可以提供详细的任务分析,以确定特定职位所需的语言水平,并提供有关测试程序和熟练程度评级的准确解释的教育. 我们还可以审查您培训员工的方法和技术,或广泛的课程开发和实施问题. Learn More

ACTFL Past Performance – A long history of success for the U.S. Government

Language Proficiency Testing


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
  • Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Patrol
  • 国土安全部,移民和海关执法局
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Department of Defense - NSEP (IIE/NSEP, Flagships, ACIE-NY, ROTC)
  • National Language Service Corps
  • National Security Education Program
  • United States Military Academy
  • State Department - Critical Language Studies
  • Department of Education - ak, ar, ct, de, fl, ga, ks, md, me, nc, nj, pa, tx, ut, va, vt, wy

Test Development and Research


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center -制作ACTFL口语水平电脑面试(OPIc®) for use by DLI.
  • Tri-Services Academies - Developed Reading and Listening Tests in Spanish.
  • NATO -为北约和PfP国家开发了4种技能的英语北约基准咨询测试.
  • Foreign Language Assistance Program -基于以下AAPPL的全国外语星际网赌登录系统的运营.
  • STARTALK -为初级和中级水平制定了更多的分层指标,以星际网赌登录学生在短期教学计划后的表现.
  • United States Military Academy-开发了8种语言的中级水平成绩测试.
  • Department of Education International Research and Studies - ACTFL语文能力星际网赌登录(AAPPL), 一个星际网赌登录全国范围内K-12阶段学生语言表现的框架.
  • 全国外语教育进展星际网赌登录(FLNAEP) ——首次全国外语水平星际网赌登录框架.

Test Review and Validation


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center -国防语言能力测试(DLPT)的审查和验证协助.

Training and Professional Development


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center -对测试人员进行培训,规范和质量保证ILR口头能力测试.
  • 国防语言学院外语中心继续教育 -指定战略语言的战斗口译/翻译课程材料.
  • National Security Education Program Language Flagship - Revisions of tester training materials in Arabic.
  • United States Military Academy - Arabic testing consensus building initiative.
  • STARTALK ——汉语和印地语教师培训项目.
  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center - “Diagnostic Helps” for moving for L2+ to L3.
  • Peace Corps - Video and audio training materials.



  • Air Force Special Operations Command
  • Naval Special Warfare
  • Special Operations Command
  • United States Postal Service

Learn more about ACTFL GSA services:

ACTFL GSA Schedule of Services (PDF) | GSA Advantage® Website

How ACTFL Can Help Your Agency

Testing Card Header
ACTFL Testing

ACTFL提供超过100种语言的口语水平测试和超过20种语言的写作水平测试. 我们根据ACTFL和政府机构间语言圆桌会议(ILR)水平量表提供测试和评级. The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview-computer (OPIc), 和ACTFL写作能力测试(WPT)是美国教育委员会(ACE)推荐的大学学分。. ACTFL OPI和WPT被许多州教师执照认证委员会认可. Language Testing International, Inc.

Training Card header
ACTFL Training

ACTFL提供多种语言教学和星际网赌登录相关科目的培训和专业发展研讨会. 提供的主要工作坊包括口语水平星际网赌登录, Performance Assessment, Setting Standards, Teaching Communication Skills, Curriculum Design, 与提高语言能力相关的教学挑战.

Consulting Card Header

ACTFL Consulting

ACTFL的专家团队可以提供详细的任务分析,以确定特定职位所需的语言水平,并提供有关测试程序和熟练程度评级的准确解释的教育. 我们还可以审查您培训员工的方法和技术,或广泛的课程开发和实施问题.

ACTFL Past Performance – A long history of success for the U.S. Government

Language Proficiency Testing


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
  • Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Patrol
  • 国土安全部,移民和海关执法局
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Department of Defense - NSEP (IIE/NSEP, Flagships, ACIE-NY, ROTC)
  • National Language Service Corps
  • National Security Education Program
  • United States Military Academy
  • State Department - Critical Language Studies
  • Department of Education - ak, ar, ct, de, fl, ga, ks, md, me, nc, nj, pa, tx, ut, va, vt, wy

Test Development and Research


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center -制作ACTFL口语水平电脑面试(OPIc®) for use by DLI.
  • Tri-Services Academies - Developed Reading and Listening Tests in Spanish.
  • NATO -为北约和PfP国家开发了4种技能的英语北约基准咨询测试.
  • Foreign Language Assistance Program -基于以下AAPPL的全国外语星际网赌登录系统的运营.
  • STARTALK -为初级和中级水平制定了更多的分层指标,以星际网赌登录学生在短期教学计划后的表现.
  • United States Military Academy-开发了8种语言的中级水平成绩测试.
  • Department of Education International Research and Studies - ACTFL语文能力星际网赌登录(AAPPL), 一个星际网赌登录全国范围内K-12阶段学生语言表现的框架.
  • 全国外语教育进展星际网赌登录(FLNAEP) ——首次全国外语水平星际网赌登录框架.

Test Review and Validation


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center -国防语言能力测试(DLPT)的审查和验证协助.

Training and Professional Development


  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center -对测试人员进行培训,规范和质量保证ILR口头能力测试.
  • 国防语言学院外语中心继续教育 -指定战略语言的战斗口译/翻译课程材料.
  • National Security Education Program Language Flagship - Revisions of tester training materials in Arabic.
  • United States Military Academy - Arabic testing consensus building initiative.
  • STARTALK ——汉语和印地语教师培训项目.
  • Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center - “Diagnostic Helps” for moving for L2+ to L3.
  • Peace Corps - Video and audio training materials.



  • Air Force Special Operations Command
  • Naval Special Warfare
  • Special Operations Command
  • United States Postal Service

Learn more about ACTFL GSA services:

ACTFL GSA Schedule of Services | GSA Advantage® Website

Need More Info? Contact our team today!

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